Trust & Safety

We believe that trust & safety of both the editorial stuff and our visitors is the number one priority.

It’s important to us to maintain a healthy relationship across the platforms and visitors.

On this page, you will find all you need to know on how we maintain trust and safety on our website.

What we do


Because of privacy precautions, authors names are redacted. Still, you can see our staff at our about us page.

You can contact us through different platforms, check the contact us page.

As per our editorial statement, we state below our articles the sources to maintain transparency and trustworthiness of news information.


The accessibility of our website is important to us. Unfortunately, there’s no perfect accessibility tool to provide 100% accessibility to everyone, but we look forward to maintaining it up-to-date with accessibility standards.


We’re provided a privacy policy that explain our commitment to privacy.


We’re provided a security policy that explain our commitment to our website and data security.