Gardening and exploration come together in beautiful Kokopa’s Atlas, just confirmed for Nintendo Switch

Kokopa’s Atlas was confirmed this afternoon for Nintendo Switch. The indie title is on its way to the hybrid console.

According to what was shared, the game will be coming to Nintendo Switch in the future after the launch of its Kickstarter campaign, where they are still looking for funding to release it on more platforms. As of now, a specific release date has not been confirmed, so we’ll keep an eye out for more details.

In the meantime, you can find the premise and trailer for this title below:

After landing on a planet that was unknown to all who had passed through this sector of the galaxy, Kokopa and Pollimero soon realize their plight. With a ship that is too damaged to resume flight (what else can you expect? They crash-landed from outer space!), Kokopa and Pollimero set out to see what adventures they can find. Join them and explore a world full of beautiful landscapes, quirky characters and untold secrets.