Nintendo console sales comparison updated: here’s what’s missing for Switch to be the most successful

As you know, just this morning we were able to see the updated sales of Nintendo Switch consoles sold as of today. This allows us to take a look at an updated sales comparison to see how it is performing against other Nintendo consoles.

From the list, we can see that Wii is the only console to beat it, and it’s actually not far behind. In fact, with the release of Switch OLED it’s likely to end up surpassing it.

Here’s the list:

Console Console sales (in millions) Game sales (in millions)
Wii 101,63 921,85
Nintendo Switch 89,04 632,40
NES 61,91 500,01
SNES 49,10 379,06
Nintendo 64 32,93 224,97
GameCube 21,74 208,57
Wii U 13,56 103,39

On the handheld side, Nintendo Switch is targeting Game Boy with 118.69 million and Nintendo DS with 154.02 million.
