We bring information about a new event related to one of the most prominent games in the Nintendo Switch catalogue. We’re talking about Monster Hunter Rise.
In the text below, Capcom details the new mission event of the game, which has been officially launched today in the title of the hybrid console.
Remember, to access these events, you must have reached a certain point in the game before talking to Senri, the messenger, and selecting “Additional Content”. After unlocking the mission, it can be completed at any time by talking to Minoto.
Here are the details of this event:
- Mission 11: Heart of a Hero (16 July)
- Objective: Hunt a Tigrex and a Diablos.
- Regional Setting: Arena
- Conditions: HR 8 or higher
- Rewards: Special titles (English names not confirmed): Grillmeister, Syndrome, Negative, Positive, Mew Mew, Manju, Bashful, Indulgent Body, Pet Lover, Macho Medal

The following has also been detailed:
- Mission 12: A Shining Frozen Sword (23 July)
- Objective: Hunt a Goss Harag
- Regional Setting: Frost Islands
- Conditions: HR 8 or higher
- Rewards: Sunglasses materials

And a new Canyne:
Special Canyne, Wanogre
- Release date: 23 July 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Available until: no end date
- Price: free
- How to get it: Go to the Courier in Kamura and select “Additional Content”. After downloading it, you can pick it up from the Companion Manager in Comrade
- Square by selecting “Hire a special friend”.
- Content: “Wanogre (Special Canyne)”.