The Nintendo Direct for E3 2021 is coming up soon and one of the games that is expected to make an appearance at the presentation is the sequel to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. Therefore, we have decided to compile in news some curiosities of the release of the original title, to pay tribute and remember why the 2017 game is one of the most memorable games of the big N. Well, today we are going to tell you a little story that has recently taken place in the Reddit forums.
Recently, the user NoOneButEllio, in one of his games of the award-winning title, discovered a mechanic that allows us to hide inside a barrel so that enemies don’t detect us and, therefore, don’t hurt us, and it didn’t take long for it to go viral. It seems that there are many people who were unaware of this mechanic. We leave you the video of the Reddit post below in case you want to recreate a scene as peculiar as the one below in your games.
No doubt as peculiar as rolling on those same barrels.