Earlier this morning we shared a preview of the many events coming to Pokémon Masters EX in the coming weeks. One of them is the Bidoof event.
As you know, there have been references to Bidoof in Pokémon GO and Pokémon Masters EX, and it doesn’t seem to be a coincidence. In fact, last week, Bidoof outfits were leaked for Pokémon GO, specifically a Bidoof hat.
In addition, the Pokémon Masters EX banner features the initial Pokémon from Sinnoh (Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup). So, according to @MelkorPxP, it looks like we could be looking at a hype campaign to reveal Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. However, nothing has been confirmed at the moment, so we’ll stay tuned for updates on any new developments.

It’s worth remembering that Bidoof is a normal-type Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation, which is the setting for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (the remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Shining Pearl), both of which are coming to Nintendo Switch on 19 November.