It seems that this new update is already very close to this Nintendo Switch game. It’s a patch that the developers have officially detailed on the console recently for Monster Hunter Rise.
Specifically, this version 3.1.0 of the game launches in a few hours (early morning on 24 June in Europe) and includes numerous new features in the 0.65 GB it occupies. You can check out the list of new features just below:
Main content added and changes
New event missions available every week.
New downloadable content available for sale in the Nintendo eShop.Bugs fixed / General
Fixed a bug that allowed the player to control cannons even when far away from them during Frenzy missions.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused unnecessary interface parts to be displayed on the mission completed screen after completing a Frenzy mission.
Fixed a bug that allowed the player to go places they were not supposed to be able to go if the final door was destroyed at the exact same time as completing the Frenzy mission.
Fixed a bug that caused charge ovens to activate only after releasing the A button during Frenzy missions.
Fixed a bug that caused Badum and Tish to continue drumming if the host changed the in-game music to any track other than “Brave Hunters”.
Fixed a bug that prevented the player from being able to cut from a cut tail if it overlapped with the Arena fence switch.
Fixed a bug that caused comrades’ eyes to be wide open regardless of the type selected, when sent to trade.
Fixed a bug that caused the “!” sign to be displayed on certain armour even after it had been removed, when the player exited the game and restarted it.
Fixed a bug that caused colour 2 to be displayed as white when selected as black on some armour.
Fixed a bug that prevented the correct colours from being displayed on the save selection screen if the player used a character create coupon to change the colour of clothing.
Fixed a bug that caused the cursor and altered state graphics to not correspond if the player performed certain actions on the large monster list in the hunter notes.
Modified functionality so that if the player uses a character create coupon to recreate their hunter using one of the DLC voices, the original existing voices available for the hunter will be preserved.
Fixed a bug that caused mission information to sometimes display incorrectly if the player moved to the training area after accepting a mission offline.
Fixed a bug that caused some account items to sometimes be stored in the bag or item chest when accepting helper rewards.Monsters
Fixed a bug that allowed the player to attack the Tigrex without it reacting in some areas of the sandy plains.
Fixed a bug that caused the Rathian Apex to behave erratically if it performed certain actions.
Fixed a bug that caused the Almudron’s mud patches to appear on players’ feet even when they were considerably far away.
Fixed a bug that caused some of the Zinogre/Zinogre Apex Zinogre’s attacks to not have the lightning element.
Fixed a bug that prevented some small monsters from escaping when the player attacked them on a Canyne.
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the player from capturing a monster if it was affected or stunned by Paralysis/Sleep after activating a Pitfall Trap.
Fixed a bug that prevented the spear’s insta-block from overriding some of the Rajang’s attacks.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused attacking the Rakna-Kadai’s head with a Helmbreaker or slashing ammo to decrease the number of attacks.
Fixed a bug that caused the connection to drop when selecting the Rakna-Kadaki mission in multiplayer.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the damage of the wyvern explosive shot to be displayed incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that sometimes made it difficult to hit the Narwa’s head with the Longsword’s Spiritual Spellbreaker.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Narwa to slide incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that prevented the player from completing the mission if they defeated the Narwa at a specific time.
Fixed a bug that occasionally caused platforms to appear that could not be climbed with the weapon drawn during the Lightning Goddess and Maker missions.
Fixed a bug that caused the player to always get hit when making the Narwa shrink damage using a facility at the right time during the Lightning Goddess mission.Player
Fixed a bug that occurred when hitting a monster with the longsword’s “spiritual Iai slash” counterattack. The issue caused the camera to be positioned right over the player’s head, and/or prevented you from connecting with more hits.
Fixed a bug that caused some of Narwa’s attacks to hit twice.
Fixed a bug that occurred when performing a dodge and then immediately using an item with the weapon drawn, via the radial menu. The issue caused a lag in the controls, and affected sword and shield, longsword and dual swords (if you didn’t have demonic mode enabled).
Fixed a monster behaviour bug that would occur after the player performed the Spiritual Helmbreaker, Spiritual Iai Slash, or Cordoamarre Sakura Slash on the Longsword. The problem caused monsters to perform certain special moves and actions that made it very difficult to hit them.
Fixed a bug that caused the cleat’s sonic waves to deal more damage per player within the area of effect.
Fixed a bug that occurred if right after attacking with the cleat you dodge backwards to the left or right and then move in the opposite direction. The bug caused the player to stiffen.
Fixed a bug that occurred if the player entered commands too quickly for a double backwards backhand strike combo (with the cleat). The bug prevented certain of Canyne’s subsequent attacks from not activating, and affected his support attacks, downward smash and smash.
Fixed a bug that caused the initial lunge of the “Infernal Melody” attack (from the cleat) to not detect collisions if executed with a delay.
Fixed a bug that occurred when performing the spiral lunge with the directional control options set to “type 2”. The bug caused the player to move in the wrong direction.
Fixed a bug that occurred after performing a spiral lunge to forward lunge combo. The bug prevented you from being able to perform a blocking dash right after.
Fixed a bug that occurred when the player was standing on an object and tried to block with the sheathed spear (with player 2 action options). The bug prevented the player from being able to block.
Fixed a bug that occurred when throwing a mutant slash (axe) with the sword axe. The bug caused type 2 directional control options to be activated, even though you had selected type 1.
Fixed a monster behaviour bug that occurred when the player launched additional attacks by quickly pressing the “zero-sum unload finisher” button (with the sword axe). The problem caused monsters to perform certain special moves and actions that made it very difficult to hit them.
Fixed a bug that caused the elemental supercharge of the charged axe to be deflected too often to the left or right.
Fixed a bug that occurred when blocking with the charged axe’s mutant counterslash after an axe elemental discharge II or condensed spinning slash. The bug prevented the power boost effect from being applied.
Fixed a bug that occurred during the elemental bonus of the charged axe (impact vial). The bug prevented the stun level of a monster from increasing even after blocking an attack with block points.
Fixed a bug that occurred if the player stood still after a frontal dodge in the charged axe’s sword mode, then moved again. The bug caused a bit of stiffness in the character.
Fixed a bug that occurred if you performed the charged axe’s transforming advance just as you started to move. The bug prevented you from being able to move in the direction you were moving the stick.
Fixed a bug that caused critical range correction to be applied to heavy crossbow D-wyvern shots.
Fixed a bug that caused the intervals between “walking cadence (small)”, “walking cadence (medium)”, “auto-reload single shot” and D wyvern to become too long.
Fixed a bug where (in certain circumstances) the player could use Herculean draw despite having only one unit on the choropter gauge.Fixed a bug that caused the “Izuchi’s Tail” hairstyle to look unnatural when combined with certain other pieces of equipment.
Fixed a bug that occurred if players entered or left the “The Creator” mission at a specific time. Doing so caused the rapid-fire cannons and elevated platforms to not appear, making the mission impossible to complete.
Fixed a bug that occurred in the “The Creator” mission if the player changed zones at a specific time. The bug prevented the game interface from being displayed.
Fixed a bug where completing a mission in multiplayer mode would cause your character’s appearance to change to match that of another hunter.
Fixed a bug that occurred if you completed a mission while the monster you just shot overlapped with another monster ready to mount. If this happened, the bug prevented you from being able to cut down the downed monster.
Fixed a bug that caused other players in multiplayer games to not be able to see comrades with the Kulu F banjo equipped.
Fixed a bug that caused the edges of the Rathian helmet visor to look unnatural if you had body type 1.
Fixed a bug that caused graphical distortion if you were wearing both the “twin pigtails” hairstyle and the Aknosom helmet.
Fixed a bug that occurred when the player assigned a way to craft an item to the radial menu, and then restarted the game. Since some items can be crafted in multiple ways, sometimes the saved way in the radial menu was overwritten by another one.
Fixed a bug that occurred if one player fired a dragon piercer while another player was controlling a ballista or cannon, or was in the middle of aiming a projectile weapon. The bug caused perspective switching to work incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that caused the player to be pushed out of the zone if they switched zones during a specific moment in the “The Creator” mission.
Fixed a bug that caused the shoulder portion of the Rathalos mail to be distorted when using body type 1.
Fixed a bug that prevented the player from being able to quickly pick up various dropped materials while riding on a Canyne comrade.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the position from which the player slashes Narwa to be different from that of other players.
Reworked functionality so that hunters do not move while setting a trap, even if they are pushed by a monster.General
Fixed a bug that caused the anti-dragon berry icon to be displayed incorrectly in the map icon list.
Fixed a bug that occurred when the host of a quest had lag in their connection and left the quest at a specific point in time. The issue sometimes prevented other players from completing the mission.
Fixed a bug that prevented the text of automatic phrases from changing when switching languages.
Fixed a bug that occurred inside the Flooded Forest pyramid, zone 2. When the player attempted to climb a pedestal to the right of the temple, the issue caused the Canyne to not stop running.
Fixed a bug that prevented the number of times you had played with someone you had traded guild cards with from being counted correctly.
Fixed a bug that caused the automatic “when a monster limps” phrase to only activate for the host when playing multiplayer.
Fixed a bug that caused players to disappear if they kept swapping items during a cinematic.
Fixed a bug that prevented quests from being completed normally if a player accessed the quest just after completing it.
Fixed a bug that occurred when detecting an anomaly in save data. This resulted in an error on the save data selection screen.
Fixed various text bugs.
Various other bugs have been fixed.