We get a new and interesting video related to one of the most prominent video games in the Nintendo Switch catalog. We are talking in this case of Minecraft.
In the short film that we leave you below, we can take a look at some scenes starring his new official collaboration with Sonic, detailed and released today. Here it is:
What a relief! No longer do I have to make an excuse not to run voluntarily, because now I have an infinite 3D runner at my fingertips. Instead, I can get all the need for speed my console craves in the various randomly generated levels and locations. Boring forest trail? Heavy beach route? No big deal! I’ll stick with Green Hills Zone and Chemical Plant Zone, thank you very much.
Look, before I go any further, let me explain. Yes, there are rings you can get. They are the prettiest rings you’ve ever seen and I love them. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with the original rings, but these right angles just look great. The rings aren’t the only thing Sonic brought with him, there are also plenty of obstacles to overcome, bosses to defeat and momentum to build as you race towards a high score.

Sonic is not only known for his speed or his spikes, but also as a generous birthday celebrator. He doesn’t expect gifts on his special day, he gives his own! That’s classy. Get a character creator item, available for free on Minecraft Marketplace.
You can also celebrate Sonic’s birthday by joining the special server event! Soon The Hive will be hosting a two-week server hub takeover with mini-games and some festive surprises. I heard a rumor that something special is happening on one of the weekends, so check back regularly! Stay tuned to @minecraft on Twitter for more details!