A new update is now available for this Nintendo Switch game. It is a patch that the developers have officially released on the console recently for Immortals Fenyx Rising.
Specifically, this version 1.3.4 of the game includes several fixes and adjustments that aim to improve the user experience on the hybrid console. You can check out the list of new features and fixes just below:
- Bug fixes
- Stability improvements
- Performance improvements
- Fixed an issue where the “Go Do Heroic Things” mission would not complete.
- Fixed an issue where the “Hierarchical Order” mission would not proceed to the “Nest Egg” mission.
- Fixed an issue where defeating Cerberus in the Hound of Hades vault would not register.
- Fixed an issue where a cutscene in “Lightning Bolt from the Sky” would not activate.
- “A New God”: Fixed an issue where an invisible wall prevented the completion of “Test of Zeus”.
- “The Lost Gods”: Fixed an issue where Demeter would appear underground during the “Guardian of the Garden” quest.
- “The Lost Gods”: Fixed an issue where the player character could not interact with Poseidon during the “Mighty as Waves, Dumb as a
- Rock” and “Not the Other Brother, Next” missions.
- Fixed an issue where the Fused Shard would not be awarded when collecting it in the “Arena of Agility”.
- Fixed an issue where the Horai’s Robe was missing from the inventory.
The Lost Gods
- Fixed an issue where essences would stop working after a certain amount of time.
- Fixed an issue where the player character would abruptly swim up and down large waterfalls found in the Boreas region.
- Fixed an issue where the Opportunist achievement was being awarded too early.
- Fixed an issue where the difficulty would increase too quickly.
- Fixed an issue where enemies would appear early, after being defeated in the same game day cycle.