As you all know, on many occasions we have shared with you on the web some titles that despite not being confirmed for Nintendo Switch, they are listed for the hybrid console.
Well, this time we bring you another example of that. It turns out that dataminers have found data suggesting that Nier Replicant could be ported, or at least, there are plans to port it to Nintendo’s hybrid console.
Here are the details that have been shared:
- On Reddit a dataminer highlights that there are ‘NX’ presets buried in the game’s code, which of course refers to the original codename and development reference for Switch.
- This is consistent with a listing that appeared on Amazon France listing a Switch version in November last year.
- However, the same dataminer stresses that he believes the Switch work had been abandoned, or at least shelved, by the time the title entered the final stages of development. When referring to the PC executable of the release naming the other platforms, there is no reference to ‘NX’ there.
Clearly by now most developers are happy for their multiplatform titles to be released on Nintendo Switch as well, due to their commercial success and the large installed player base on the Switch. However, it is worth remembering that the Nier games are quite demanding in terms of performance on more powerful consoles, as well as on PC. Therefore, it doesn’t look like we’ll be seeing this title on the hybrid console in the short to medium term, but perhaps we’ll see it on the rumoured future more powerful model of the hybrid console?