Earlier this week, the Nature Day event started for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, where players can complete Nature-themed challenges for extra miles as well as a special reward.
As it turns out, the special reward is a recipe for Hedges, which are a new type of fencing exclusively obtained through the Nature Day event. To obtain the recipe for Hedges, players must complete at least one of the new Nature Day Nook Miles challenges, and then talk to Tom Nook. Nook will add the recipe for Hedges to your Nook Phone after that.
The notable thing about Hedges is that they will change their appearance depending on what season it is. For example, right now they are green because it is spring, but will change to a more brownish color in early fall.
Right now, it is unknown whether this is the only special reward given for participating in Nature Day. We will be sure to bring more details as they come.