Shas Samurai, official distributor for Nintendo products in Saudi Arabia, has announced it has closed its office during this period of time in light of the coronavirus outbreak.
Although their office has been shut for an unspecified period of time, customers can still reach them by phone for repair-related inquiries and other questions.
تزامنا مع الجهود الوقائية لمنع انتشار فيروس #كورونا فقد تم اغلاق مكتب نينتندو السعودية مؤقتاً و نسعد بخدمتكم لطلب خدمة الصيانة او الاستفسار يرجي التواصل على الرقم ٠٥٦٩٨٧٠٧٢٩
— نينتندو السعودية (@Nintendo_KSA) March 19, 2020
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Source: NintendoSoup