Ready for another scare on Nintendo Switch? Freddy Fazbear and the company will be making their return to the system soon!
Steel Wool Studios have confirmed in their blog that Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted will be heading to Nintendo Switch in the ‘next couple of months’.
Sadly, they could not publicize a release date due to the volatile coronavirus situation:
“Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted is coming soon to these awesome platforms (Nintendo Switch, Xbox. Oculus Quest) in the next couple of months.
We can’t release the exact dates as things are very fluid with the COVID-19 pandemic.
But as of right now, everything is currently on schedule. Please hang tight and stay tuned for more detailed news in the coming weeks.
In the meanwhile, everybody! Please stay super safe and follow the proper, recommended healthcare protocols!
Things have been scary, but if we all do our little parts, we can get through this together.”
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted originally hit PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation VR back in 2019 – and sees players revisiting virtual recreations of past games in the horror franchise.
The game also acts as a visual update in general, with most of its creepy animatronics finally appearing as 3D in-game models.
We’ll report back as we hear more.
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Source: NintendoSoup, GoNintendo, SteelWoolStudio