Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai discusses his health and the origins of Kid Icarus: Uprising

The latest installment of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai’s interview with Katsuhiro Harada at Harada’s Bar is now available. In this case, the meeting has left us with some more interesting statements.

First of all, Sakurai said that he is currently in good health, although he admits that he had some problems with his shoulder a while ago. It was a calcifying tendinitis that he had years ago, but after a long time it finally disappeared without the need for surgery.

In the same interview, he shared the origins of Kid Icarus: Uprising, which can be found on Nintendo 3DS and in the Touch! Generations games previously released for Nintendo DS such as Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan. “We wanted to make a third-person shooter game because 3DS had a depth function,” Sakurai shared.

However, he admits that because the console’s screen was small, they were somewhat limited, so they decided to make the enemies bigger. We also remind you that not long ago Sakurai himself acknowledged that a sequel or remake of Kid Icarus would be difficult.

We leave you with today’s interview in case you are interested: