Cruis’n series creator doesn’t rule out remastering more instalments

We bring you interesting statements related to one of the most beloved franchises in the videogame industry. In this case, we are talking about Cruis’n.

In the text below, we can learn that the creator of the series, Eugene Jarvis, has confirmed in an interview with Nintendo Life that he does not rule out the possibility of remastering the franchise’s classic arcade titles: Cruis’n USA, Cruis’n World and Cruis’n Exotica. Don’t forget that Cruis’n Blast is already on its way to Nintendo Switch.

We leave you with his words:

We’ve been tossing around some ideas: one thing I’ve been thinking about is remastering the classic Cruis’n arcade trilogy, especially for Switch, upgrading the content to Full HD and a stable 60Hz frame rate!
