Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has just confirmed a new event. It’s a new tournament that will kick off very soon in the Nintendo Switch title.
It starts this Friday, June 11 and is limited to characters that use fire in one of their attacks, such as Mario, Bowser, Roy, Captain Falcon and more. The event is expected to last a total of three days.
We leave you with the published message:
— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) June 9, 2021
6/11(金)から3日間、「燃える!! 炎うずまくトーナメント」を開催! 炎の必殺ワザを持つファイターだけが出場できるトーナメントです。アツい闘いで燃え上がれ! 勝ち進むほど、豪華なスピリッツが手に入ります。#スマブラSP