Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin sales surpass 850,000 units sold worldwide

There has been a lot of talk recently about Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, a harvesting simulation title for Nintendo Switch that against all expectations turned out to be a success in reviews, and in sales it doesn’t cease to amaze us either.

The creators spoke out a few days ago about their desire to make a sequel to the game, although the title continues to receive updates. But the good news just keeps on coming, for while in November 2020 the developer shocked us by revealing that the game had surpassed 500,000 units, Edelweiss has now confirmed that Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin has sold over 850,000 units worldwide, inching ever closer to one million sales.

As a reminder, the title is a new IP that was released in mid-November 2020 in North America, Japan and Europe. The game has had such a true-to-harvest simulation experience, that the Australian Department of Agriculture intercepted a shipment of the game on suspicion that it contained rice.