Nintendo has announced the next online tournament for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate starting June 12th.
This time, the tournament revolves around characters that were born between the year 2000 and 2009, which include Ike, Lucario, Rosalina, the Wii Fit Trainer, and so forth. The tournament starts this Friday and will run for three days.
— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) June 10, 2020
6/12(金)から3日間、「対決! 200X年生まれ」を開催! 2000~2009年に誕生したファイター/ステージ限定のトーナメント。勝ち進むほど、豪華なスピリッツが手に入ります。#スマブラSP
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Via: NintendoSoup