A couple of hours ago, an unprecedented outage took out all Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, and Wii U network services, leaving users unable to play online and access the Nintendo eShop.
It seems that the outage is way serious than we thought and is going to last longer than expected.
Nintendo has put out an official statement, apologizing to customers for the inconvenience caused.
They also mentioned they are unable to forecast when services will be back at this point of time, so brace yourself for a long ride.
Nintendo Switchなどでネットワークサービスをご利用いただけない状態が続いており、お詫び申し上げます。恐れ入りますが、現在も復旧の見込みは立っておりません。復旧いたしましたら、下記「ネットワークメンテナンス情報・稼働状況」でもご連絡致します。 https://t.co/jxSMO0bvKE
— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) March 17, 2020
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Source: NintendoSoup