CFK has announced that Princess Maker: Faery Tales Come True for Switch, has been updated to Version 1.02, correcting.
As of today (June 6th 2020) Princess Maker: Faery Tales Come True Version 1.02 corrects the following bugs with the game:
- Aging bug that occurs during the first week and moving into the second week of the game (daughter does not age, date and schedule do not match, etc)
- Bug where background was not displayed correctly from the store
- General system stability updates
CFK also mentioned that they will continue to listen to player feedback and correct any more issues that are highlighted.
【Nintendo Switch プリンセスメーカーゆめみる妖精 1.02アップデート履歴(1月6日)】
— CFK (@CFK_NEWS) January 6, 2020
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
Source: Via